Conferences 2023

Taking part in the Ecosophy grand finale

From July 26 to July 30, the grand finale of the Ecosophy project will take place in Nizhny Novgorod, bringing together eco-leaders, business representatives, and government officials.
The EcoTechnologies team will attend this event. On July 26, Alena Kazakova, the Head of Environmental Projects, will speak at the opening session "Eco-Production: What Regions and Businesses Need" and then participate in business networking. This meeting will be part of the Eco Business Contact Exchange.

On July 27, as part of the Ecorecruiting, Ksenia Shkuro, HR Partner at EcoTechnologies, will meet with potential candidates along with other prominent employers in the field of sustainable development. We are currently searching for leaders and project managers to join our team!

These business events will take place at KUPNO - Corporate University of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Government.