
Conducted excursions to eco-centers for KROK

EcoEducation 2021
On July 23-25, together with the Sborka eco-center and the Sphere of Ecology company, we organized a series of excursions for the KROK IT-company.

On July 23, as part of an excursion to the sorting site of the Sphere of Ecology, the company's employees got acquainted with the peculiarities of waste accumulation and the processes of sorting them, learned about the types of waste and the products that can be obtained from them.

On July 25, there was an excursion around the «Sborka» eco-center. The co-founder of the ecocenter Anna Nafieva spoke about the history of the appearance of the Sborka and the mechanism of its work. During the excursion, the employees learned what types of recyclable materials are accepted at the Ecocenter, why plastic is sorted into a large number of fractions, even within one label.

The second part of the excursion went through the Sborka Museum: employees saw the stages of processing the main types of waste using real examples and learned why landfills are a problem. We talked about zero waste as a way of life and discussed the disposal of food waste. At the end, the excursionists asked questions of interest: what to do with disposable masks, which package is better to choose at the checkout, is it realistic to solve the «garbage problem», where to start, and much more.